And he said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

Mark 16:15 KJV


Mission to New Plymouth, New Zealand.

Preacher: Chris Herd

The mission of the Calera Church of Christ to the New Plymouth Church of Christ in New Zealand is rooted in a shared commitment to spreading the gospel and strengthening the bonds of fellowship across the globe. This mission focuses on supporting the New Plymouth congregation in its efforts to grow spiritually, reach out to its local community, and share the teachings of Christ effectively.

Through this partnership, members from Oklahoma collaborate with the New Zealand church by providing resources, encouragement, and opportunities for mutual learning. This includes engaging in evangelistic efforts, teaching Bible classes, hosting workshops, and fostering spiritual growth through shared worship and study.

The mission reflects the unity of the global Church of Christ, emphasizing the shared purpose of glorifying God and advancing His kingdom. Together, these congregations work to inspire faith, build meaningful relationships, and strengthen the presence of the Church of Christ in New Plymouth and beyond.

Contact Us

Calera Church of Christ

403 South McKinley
Calera, Oklahoma 74730

   Phone 580-434-2707
