I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD

Psalm 122:1 KJV

Assembly Times


Worship - 9:00AM

Bible Classes - 10:00AM

Worship - 10:50AM


Worship/Bible Classes - 7:00PM

Our Beliefs

The Calera Church of Christ follows the core beliefs and practices of the first-century church of the New Testament. Central to our faith is the belief in the Bible as the sole, inspired, and inerrant word of God, with the scriptures serving as the ultimate authority for doctrine and practice. We believe that salvation is a process involving hearing the gospel, believing in Jesus Christ, repenting of sins, confessing faith, and being baptized by immersion for the forgiveness of sins. Each congregation within the churches of Christ is autonomous under the oversight of local elders, without oversight from a larger denominational body. Worship in the Calera Church of Christ features a cappella singing, in keeping with the New Testament examples of worship, and we emphasize simplicity in our approach to faith and practice.


Our church nursery provides a loving and safe environment for little ones during Sunday sermons. Staffed by caring volunteers, the nursery allows parents to focus on worship while their children are nurtured through play and age-appropriate activities. We are committed to creating a welcoming space where even our youngest members experience God’s love.